The king is typically the "classic" representation of a wickerbeast and most commonly known. However, their subtype is a tad bit rare despite community popularity. They are a mutation of the standard subtyping. King's are the largest type of wickerbeast with Pelagics coming in equal size. Due to the size of this subtype, they are incredibly strong and tend to be guards or the leading workforce in Osova. This subtype sports a lot of fluff and is the optimum choice for an individual seeking that aesthetic.

A king should always have horns. On their bodies are a
significant amount of fur. Fur can be in large patches on the tail,
mane, arms, heels, and general body. Their claws and build are
much bulkier and taller. The end all be all trait for a kingbeast
however is the fluffy tail tip. It is what makes a kingbeast a king.
No other subtype is allowed to have a fluffy tail tip.

They are on the rarer side of subtypes. In a clutch of 6 wicker eggs, there is a 20% likelihood that one of them will be a king. A female is called a kingbeast, not a queenbeast as wickerbeast culture have no "gender roles" regarding titles.
These subtypes can weigh anywhere between 200 to 2500 pounds due to the taller and stockier body type of them. However, outliers do exist and their designs do not have to follow the bulkier body type or extremely tall heights. There are cases of king runts occurring in clutches.
Kingbeasts are the leading workforce in Osova due to their ability to do manual labor very easily. A kingbeast can work up to 14 hours without overworking themselves. There have been cases where a kingbeast has worked nonstop days in a row and been okay. This particular subtype is very hardy and tiring them out is hard. The easiest way to beat out a kingbeast is making them chase their object of interest as their bulkier builds make it hard to keep up.
In the kingbeast subtypes, manes are the object of desire. During courting and combat matches, king manes and body fluff are adorned with flowers, jewelry, and various other accessories. They tend to take incredible care of their manes due to the frequent matting that can occur otherwise.
Without a mane, a king is typically shunned in clans that are majority king ruled. Sphinx syndrome king wickers are particularly shunned moreso than any other - but other kingbeasts welcome them without judgement. For criminal punishments, a king may have their mane shaved and displayed for others to witness.
Kings tend to have rituals that honor their ancestors and loved ones who have passed away, which involve cutting off a piece of their mane and placing it into the fire as an offering.
Background image by the lovely ThatCreatureJuk.